Fei's AZ Re-finalization of Adoption (12/4/13) |
Last night, we quietly hit a significant milestone. We were out to dinner with some friends and as we were getting ready to leave, Fei asked, "Home?" She consistently wants to know what is next on the agenda and we try to prep her ahead of time as much as possible. However, last night, for the first time, she asked if we were going home without any prompt. She's said "home" before (pretty clearly too!), but always after hearing us say it. Chris pointed out that it was the first time she had said it in her own initiative...indicating to us that she is starting to feel settled, comfortable and has a place to confidently call home. We took in that moment with big smiles and swelling hearts.
1st Tricycle Ride! |
She has certainly experienced many firsts the past few months, including celebrating family birthdays, beginning to ride her tricycle independently, riding in the bike carrier, starting potty training, celebrating holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas), enjoying Christmas lights (and candy canes!), decorating a gingerbread house and meeting more family members.
Ellie & Fei at Hearing |

Our travel group of 9 (6 of us, plus 3 grandparents) celebrated yet again on December 4, as Fei's adoption was finalized in the state of AZ through the county courts. While it was a quick 15-minute hearing with the judge, the big kids got out of school that day and we continued the fun at a little Vietnamese restaurant for a celebratory lunch! The day before Christmas, we received a bonus gift as Fei's Social Security card finally came in the mail...we had been waiting for it since we had returned from China. That was the final piece of official documentation...amazing!

Christmas was special for all of us for sure, as a family of 6, and Fei jumped right in with unwrapping gifts! It was incredible to look back on last year's pictures, memorabilia and even the kids' letter to Santa...all reflecting the fact that we waited in great anticipation for Fei (asking Santa to sprinkle a little blessing on her in Shenzhen!). How fun to see her playing with her siblings, cousins and grandparents while enjoying her first Christmas with her forever family. While we are continuing to be amazed at the blessings of 2013, we can't wait to see what God has in store in 2014!
Fun with the boys |
Decorating a gingerbread house |
After my initial "woo-hoo," I again say God is good, all the time! Thanks for the update - love the photos!